A24 is roadside assistance!

A24 ROAD PATROL is a roadside assistance company with national and international coverage for the entire Europe.

The A24 network consists of more than 600 national and more than 42,000 european partners.

The entire activity is coordinated by the operational and logistic centre in Cluj-Napoca.

Our dedicated and professional team, with more than 17 years of experience in the field of roadside assistance, is ready to find and offer promptly the most adequate solutions regarding motion recovery.

High quality services to people – Romanian and foreign citizens – is our main concern and the key to our success, so far.

A24 ofers roadside assistance services for all categories of vehicles held by individuals and legal persons:

  • Motorcycles
  • Cars
  • Small and big utility cars
  • Trucks and trailers
  • Distribution fleets
  • Corporate fleets
  • Car dealers

A24 roadside assistance will come to help in case of a breakdown or an accident, by providing service at the occurence place, or, towing, transportation of persons involved and service repair; meanwhile, you are offered another car or accomodation, and if we do not succeed fixing your car within 48 hours, we shall repatriate both the vehicle and the persons.

A24 is watching continuously! We operate under non-stop schedule, and we are ready to recover your motion at any time!